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What is Green Care, Anyway?

Green Care refers to structured therapy or treatment programs that take place in natural surroundings and recognize the instinctive connection between nature and health.

Our program involves the active and regular engagement of the individual with a range of meaningful nature-based activities delivered by trained practitioners to create a sense of achievement, personal responsibility and self-confidence and offer opportunities to learn new skills; by taking place within a social setting they also promote feelings of inclusion and belonging.


This includes Social & Therapeutic Horticulture, Animal Assisted Therapy and Care Farming.

Green Exercise, Community Food Growing and Environmental Conservation are also included when the activities are delivered as a treatment intervention targeted at an individual’s needs rather than for the benefit of a general client.


The benefits of Green Care have been shown to include both psychological and physiological effects. There is sound evidence showing that exposure to the natural environment can reduce stress, enhance mood and promote well-being.


Physiological benefits of Green Care range from passive association with green spaces to physical benefits via active interaction with the natural environment. The formalised approach of Green Care interventions uses the living medium of nature for therapy to encompass social, personal and educational skills development.

Green Care also gives people the opportunity to be involved in interesting and meaningful activities, to be part of a social group and enjoy its company, and to take part in a physical activity or exercise. This includes activities such as food growing or farming, which can also provide additional benefits such as a supply of healthy food.



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